
  • What Candidates Can Learn from Mick Jagger

    As the process progresses… what candidates need to bear in mind

    While I’ve never spoken with Mick Jagger about how The Rolling Stones prepare for a concert tour, I imagine that it requires considerably more energy, thought and organization than a single performance. And being able to give it all they’ve got at the last show on a tour, undoubtedly demands all they can muster. But certainly, they know that they have to make sure every fan gets their money’s worth.

    Similarly, participating in multiple interviews can require a candidate to draw on their own inner Mick Jagger, so that they effectively demonstrate in each meeting, how professional they are. No matter whether it’s for the first, or last, interview.

    Preparing for a first round of interviews requires energy, thought and strategizing. The goals, certainly, are to be asked to return and, ultimately, receive an offer. But maintaining the necessary level of professionalism when, for example, you’re asked to return to meet, say, 40 people, or participate in even a dozen interviews plus lunch over the course of several weeks, demands a different level of commitment.

    Candidates who find themselves participating in multiple interviews and receiving positive feedback have been known to stumble, because they let their guard down and start to relax. It’s almost as though they think they’re just going through the motions when, in fact, an offer hasn’t been made and they need to be effective and maintain their composure.

    What can/should a candidate do? Here are some suggestions.

    1. Never forget that you’re a candidate. Your objective is to make a positive impression. Thus, even if you feel like things are progressing and you’re being well received, until you have an offer letter, you’re still a candidate. You want to maintain a level of professionalism suited to one. Don’t relax.
    2. Those interviewing you may become increasingly, seemingly familiar. As though they had slipped off their shoes and put their feet up on an ottoman. That can be fine for those conducting the interviews. But a candidate needs to remember they’re still candidates.
    3. Watch your language. Watch the range of topics you discuss. Don’t become mesmerized by the idea that it seems like the job is in the bag and start to share stories that aren’t suited to an interview. The people conducting the interviews may be friendly, but they aren’t your friends. Don’t get cozy.
    4. Remember, above all, you’re there to learn. This means, you have two ears and one mouth; use them in that ratio. When you listen, you learn. And when you learn, you can get a better sense of what the team is like, what their needs are and how you could contribute.
    5. If you’re invited for a meal, order carefully. Avoid the most expensive dish on the menu.
    6.  Keep writing thoughtful thank you notes. Don’t get lax because the process is moving along and you think thank you notes don’t matter. Thank you notes are an opportunity for a candidate to demonstrate several qualities including: a) listening skills, b) writing skills, c) basic manners. If a candidate listened carefully in an interview, that can be reflected in the thank you note.
    7. Dress as if each interview is your first.
    8. Reconfirm each meeting. That’s an opportunity to demonstrate you’re professional.
    9. Remember the importance of good posture, thoughtful body language, tone of voice.
    10. Sometimes when candidates interview on a Friday before a long weekend, the atmosphere can seem especially relaxed. Please remember, you’re a candidate. If you’re offered a beer, you can accept it, but drink as little as possible.
    11. Interviewing is about learning what a firm needs and communicating how you, the candidate, can address those needs. Please, don’t babble on about how you’re looking to work with people you can relate to in a setting where everyone likes to pitch in. Stay focused on what you can do for the firm. Give examples of how you’ve helped in other, similar settings/situations.
    12. Though some candidates who demonstrate professional behavior through the process aren’t hired, candidates who are consistently professional through the process are more likely to get an offer letter.

    Whether you’re participating in the first round, or the tenth, remind yourself of the importance of how you come across in each and every interview. Likely, it will require you to channel your inner Jagger. 

  • How to Look for a Job, Whether You’re Currently Employed or Not

    Whether or not you see it coming, being laid off tends to feel like a punch in the gut. More experienced professionals may, to some degree, expect it, as age discrimination is rampant. That doesn’t necessarily make it easier. When there are rounds of layoffs, people tend to be a tiny bit more aware of the possibility. Still, it’s challenging to process. So, what do you do?

    First, if you’re physically able to, increase the amount of exercise that you get. This isn’t just about physical fitness. It’s about processing the stress that comes with a job search. The more exercise, the less stress. Whatever you can do will help. This is especially true just before interviews, but, it’s also helpful on a regular basis as you go through your job hunt.

    Second, make a list of everyone you’ve ever worked with who you believe respected your work. It doesn’t matter if you reported to those people, or if they reported to you, or if they were in other departments. If they respected your professional contribution, they may be able to assist you.

    Once you’ve completed the list, start calling everyone. Have a brief, well-prepared speech. Three or four sentences tops. Be direct. Let them know that you’ve been laid off and you’re looking for a role doing X, Y and Z. Be realistic about geography; if you can’t commute four hours a day, don’t pretend that you can. If relocation is out of the question, state that. Give some indication of the total compensation you’re seeking. Ask them to keep you in mind if they learn of something.

    Third, save your energy. Funneling energy into trying to understand why you were laid off, or what you could have done to prevent it, is a waste of time. Talking with other former colleagues who were laid off, or are unhappy, isn’t a good use of energy. Instead, it’s better to focus on your job search. As much as possible, limit the amount of time/energy spent on trying to understand the situation. Most of the time, someone is laid off because of politics, money, or both.

    Fourth, if there’s the possibility of consulting on a part-time basis while you’re looking for a full-time position, pursue it. Bear in mind that if you’re a consultant, it’s OK to say to the hiring manager that you may need to miss an occasional day for interviews. But if a firm needs someone to cover while an existing employee is on maternity leave, or caring for an ill family member, or it’s a busy time and they need extra help with a project, securing a temporary consultant can be a lifesaver, for them and you.

    Fifth, understand that the internet is a tool and a resource. Rely on the internet to educate yourself on what’s going on in the industry, where there may be jobs, where someone might be working, or what openings are being advertised. Also, certainly if you’re interviewing at a firm, read all you can about it beforehand.

    Sixth, meeting with people, or speaking with them, is essential. Applying for a position online is far less likely to have the desired effect. If you’re able to be introduced to a hiring manager through a contact (i.e. former colleague, family friend, college roommate), that’s ideal. Most firms give extra attention to a candidate introduced through an existing employee. Some even give existing employees a bonus if they refer a quality candidate who is ultimately hired.

    In contrast, resumes submitted online often remain in the equivalent of a black hole. In a world where everyone is collecting data, it may be the case that a job is posted solely to generate resumes. A good recruiter, if you have a relationship with one, may make introductions too.

    Seventh, understand that some people may be very helpful and others, not at all. And it’s often unexpected which category someone may fall into. Thus, a colleague with whom you thought you had a very cordial relationship might not lift a finger. In contrast, your neighbor’s sister might rise to the occasion and make multiple introductions. You just never know. Often, someone who has had the experience of being laid off is more helpful.

    Eighth, keep a log. Note who you spoke with, what was discussed, when you’re to follow up with them. This will help you keep perspective as your search evolves. Moreover, it should help you know where your resume has gone and note who presented it and to whom. This is especially important when applying for a position through a recruiter.

    If you share your resume with a recruiter, be certain to write in the email that you’re giving them permission to share your resume solely for the position you’ve discussed. It’s best to not have multiple people, whether they’re recruiters or not, releasing your resume to the same company. This is true even if you’ve not been laid off and you’re participating in the process. But a recruiter may get annoyed if they present you, and you neglected to mention that a company already has your resume through other channels. The reason for their frustration is a result of them feeling as though they’ve wasted their time. Additionally, it suggests to the recruiter that you, the candidate, aren’t being forthcoming about whether or not their resume has already been shared with a company. That could have a negative impact on that relationship.

    So, maintaining a log will help considerably. Ideally, it should prevent you from having your resume presented through multiple channels to one firm. And, reviewing the log periodically should confirm that some progress is being made. It’s a bit like making a patchwork quilt. Eventually, all of the squares sewn together will result in a quilt. With a job search, eventually, you will be offered a position.

    Ninth, expect the process to take far longer than you could possibly imagine. All the more reason to consider the fourth point, consult in the meantime. The process requires patience, and lots of it. A hiring manager may say that they want to hire you and then, permanent radio silence. Or you may complete several rounds of interviews and then the firm may say there’s a hiring freeze, or profits are down and they need to wait until the next quarter.

    The best way to endure the endless wait, is to plant as many seeds as you can. Follow up. Recognize that people are busy but, still, remind them you’re in the market. Sometimes a person who says they are trying to help, hasn’t had the time to make a call, or their call hasn’t been returned. While it’s difficult to be understanding and patient when someone is supposedly helping, it’s essential.

    Tenth, it’s usually feast or famine. Either no one will consider you or everyone wants to make an offer. Often, if a candidate mentions that they are being pursued by other firms, they become more attractive to the hiring manager they are speaking to. The theory: the girl with the boyfriend is the girl all the boys want to date.

    Eleventh, pay attention to your health. If you have sleeping issues, start drinking in excess, overeating, under eating, being especially quarrelsome, you might benefit from talking to a therapist, outplacement or a coach. Few candidates can successfully navigate a job search if their outlook is lousy and they’re not taking care of themselves.

    Twelfth, for numerous reasons, being laid off can impact one’s family, especially the job seeker’s partner. If the partner isn’t in the industry, they may struggle to understand why this happened or how challenging it can be to find a new role. Because the partner is anxious, they might be on edge. The only way to manage this is to discuss it, but not 24/7. If it’s discussed round the clock, perspective is lost and it’s too easy for candidates, and their partners, to feel thoroughly overwhelmed. This can have a negative impact on one’s search efforts.

  • Why it May be Wise to Speak with a Recruiter

    Years ago I called someone in NYC to see if he might have a suggestion for a search I was working on. His response, “Why should I help you? You’re in Rhode Island?” Really, it seldom matters where a recruiter is. Instead, what matters is a) who they know, b) how well they know the industry they’re focused on, c) how much they know about navigating the search process and d) what they’re willing to teach you.

    Let me explain. If you’re lucky enough to stumble upon a good recruiter who’s willing to take the time to listen and share some insights, you may find a treasure trove of information. Indeed a strong relationship with a recruiter can resemble that of a personal trainer/athlete. Navigating career decisions with a recruiter who knows both you, and your industry, is a terrific advantage. Because a good recruiter understands and develops relationships and a crucial component of that relationship is good listening.

    Perhaps the most common reason that some professionals will speak with a recruiter is to learn about compensation. Indeed, this is frequently discussed, especially around bonus season. Am I paid below market? How do I get my current employer to pay more? If I want more money, is the only choice to leave or get an offer elsewhere? Should I pursue an offer just to receive a counteroffer? How do I converse with a recruiter about compensation? How do I converse with a hiring manager about it?

    Some people call me annually after receiving bonuses. Others, just before. One year a Chief Compliance Officer called to say that instead of money, his bonus was a gift card of a modest sum. We discussed his sentiments and what options he had. A General Counsel, who checks in periodically, has spoken with me at length about how to ask for a bonus of a certain amount. He often discusses his expectations in one call and the actual figures in a subsequent conversation.

    Because there are multiple factors that determine what someone’s earning, it can be very helpful to discuss this with a recruiter. They should be able to provide some insights. My tendency is to discuss with professionals what their compensation has looked like over the years, as percentage increase is a good gauge on evaluating compensation progression.

    But compensation is just one topic that a recruiter should be able to shed light on. Another may well be the pros and cons of leaving a job. Is it OK to leave after less than a year? This question was recently asked by someone I placed a few years ago. She landed herself in an uncomfortable situation and didn’t know how long she needed to stay. Other related questions include: How often should/could someone do that? Is it possible to stay too long with a company? These are questions that a good recruiter should be able to weigh in on.

    Once a professional from a large bank called because he wanted to know if I had any suitable openings. As we talked, it became apparent that the problem was his boss was making anti-Semitic remarks. I was able to provide some advice on how to approach the situation. While I don’t think that was what he anticipated, I do believe it was helpful.

    Recruiters can also provide guidelines to interviewing. That’s the case even if it’s another recruiter who is sending the candidate in for interviews. They may well know the person conducting the interviews. Or the person formerly in the role. That can be enormously helpful. They may know about the department, or the firm in general. Not to mention what the boss is really like. Recently a compliance officer who wants to leave her firm asked me how to answer, why would you leave your firm after less than two years. It’s a legitimate question and I was able to provide a response she found comfortable.

    But let’s say that you’re supposed to interview for a role and there’s information that might be helpful for you to know but it’s outside of your expertise. A recruiter may be able to introduce you to someone who will walk you through the basics. That can be extremely helpful. For example, a compliance person whose background was with hedge funds was interviewing with a PE firm. I arranged for him to talk to a compliance person who had PE experience, so that the candidate had a better sense of things.

    Apart from the basics of how to better your resume or navigate challenging interview questions, a recruiter can also assist with how to evaluate an opportunity, not just in terms of compensation. Recruiters may help you determine what kinds of roles you may be eligible for if you pursue one position versus another.

    Recruiters may also have information about industry trends, recent moves, layoffs, relocation, upcoming openings, etc.

    Of course hiring managers may also benefit from speaking with a recruiter. Often, hiring managers, after evaluating resumes and compensation of a range of candidates will ask a recruiter what the landscape looks like for them, both in terms of compensation and opportunities. Or they will ask recruiters how to approach conducting interviews, evaluating candidates, negotiating compensation, etc. Many hiring managers have asked me to give a sense of the market as it relates to compensation. I’ve been known to give hiring manager sample questions to ask candidates, strategies on how to evaluate candidates and insights on the pros and cons of one candidate vs. another. In short, recruiters have access to lots of information that can be considerably helpful.

    So, what happened to that person I called who said, why should I help you, you’re in Rhode Island? About three years after that conversation, he called me. Said that he had been referred to me and wanted some help… something about looking for a job.

  • Why Resumes Nearly Always Include Mistakes

    Recently a resume came to me with the first bullet point, “Provide trusted advise”. Another candidate wrote “CDO’s” instead of CDOs. A third person misspelled the name of his current employer. Why do resumes nearly always include a mistake? Many would likely say it’s because people are busy. Or lazy. Or distracted. I’m not sure those aren’t factors. But they probably don’t tell the whole story.

    Though I’ve not studied this with a team of psychologists, I do believe that, were I to do just that, what I’d learn is that it’s a psychological block of some sort. One that’s related to a candidate’s struggle to look themselves in the mirror. In essence, an inability to grasp that their professional history is staring them in the face. It’s a bit like reading, or writing and reading, one’s own obituary.

    Even professionals who have enjoyed their careers, and feel good about how things have progressed, may find it trying to write a resume that’s error free. But many find it a bit of a jolt to see in black and white how they’ve spent their time. And it can be sufficiently overwhelming that it may impact the presence of errors.

    Now many hiring managers actually study resumes looking to find errors. Others don’t even read resumes carefully enough to notice them. And typos are often easier to overlook.

    So, what should hiring managers tolerate? And what should candidates do to reduce the number of errors? Hiring managers who are especially fastidious may not be willing to budge on a document that has even one noticeable error. If someone is applying for a legal or compliance role, the hiring manager knows that the work requires a high level of attention to detail. If a resume has a mistake, how can the candidate possibly do the job satisfactorily? My suggestion is that if the resume includes one or two minor errors, they might speak with the candidate and, if the interview is positive, give a written test that requires the candidate to identify errors.

    My bet is that on the written test, a candidate could well do a superb job. Because, in part, the psychological component that impacts writing a resume, isn’t a factor. Of course it’s possible that because the candidate knows it’s a test, they may panic and make mistakes. If that’s the case, the hiring manager may want to proceed with caution.

    To reduce the number of errors, a candidate should read their resume multiple times. That should include at least one time aloud. And a few other people, preferably in the same industry, should proof it too. This doesn’t guarantee the errors will be eliminated. It should, however, reduce them.

    Everyone loathes spending time on resume writing. Most think that if the resume were written a bit better, well, an interview may be forthcoming. Since everyone has a different idea about what a resume is supposed to look like/include, writing them is even more stressful. Ten people will easily give ten opinions on what to do differently. And folks love giving opinions.

    Style and content aside, candidates must try hard to reduce the number of errors in their resumes. And hiring managers might consider that an occasional error is, for most, the norm. Fact is, if those same hiring managers looked at their own resumes, they may notice, or another reader might, that there are, heaven forbid, errors.

  • How to Resign, What to Expect after Resigning, and Counteroffers

    How to Resign

    Someone I’ve known for over a decade resigned last week. “Harry” had been furious with his boss of several years and his bonus, as nearly all the bonuses at the firm, had shrunk. Aggravated, Harry was delighted to learn of a new opportunity that he pursued and enthusiastically accepted. Prior to resigning, Harry called to discuss his approach.

    He spoke a bit about how annoying his boss had become and shared his fantasy of blasting him. After he was finished, I assured him that he was not to do anything of the sort. On the contrary. There is no benefit in educating the boss when you’re cleaning your desk. None. And while many are tempted to submit a letter of resignation and then tell the boss everything that is wrong with the firm, this temptation is one that should be squelched. Especially because the world is small. And with the musical chairs that exist in the industry, the likelihood of running into someone again is very high.

    Let’s consider another example. A senior compliance person, “Sam”, was fed up after a few years with a firm. So, he found himself another job. Disgusted when he went to resign, he spoke not just with his immediate boss, but the boss’ boss. And he assured the boss’ boss that everything was a mess, because, Sam continued, his immediate boss was difficult. Sure enough, the boss’ boss went in and shared the details with Sam’s immediate boss. There was absolutely no benefit. And though Sam was leaving the firm in a handful of weeks, the damage was, unnecessarily, done.

    So, when you want to resign keep it short and simple. First, wait to confirm that you have successfully completed drug test/background checks. Even if you know you will pass them, wait. Then, prepare a brief typed note. Effective today, I am resigning from YZ Company. Thank you for the opportunity. Sincerely, yours. That’s it. Arrange to speak with your boss and say, I wanted to give you this letter of resignation. Thank you for having me and I wish you all the best. Nothing else needs to be said. Often people don’t like to say where they are going. The industry is such that it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows, so putting lots of energy into keeping a secret probably isn’t worthwhile. Most important, however, do not complain/educate at this juncture. There’s no point.


    Counteroffers can be part of the process or they can be avoided. Often candidates Google the word “counteroffer” to better understand the potential repercussions and learn quite a bit. Upon reflection, many realize that they participated in the search because they need/want a change and, regardless of how content they are, realize it’s time for a new challenge.

    For candidates who want their departure to lack drama, the best approach is to convey to management that they have no interest in discussing a counter. While management may initially bristle, they often appreciate the candidate’s clarity. Since the world is small and one never knows who will turn up where in the future, remaining professional benefits all parties. People move around. A gracious departure is often a gift to everyone involved. After all, one never knows who is going to resign next.

    Post resignation

    There are a few responses one can expect after resigning. One, coworkers are angry and stop talking to the candidate. They relied on this person and realize that’s concluded. Candidates need to know that this response is common and, with time, coworkers can understand the person’s decision. Two, coworkers are delighted for the candidate because they realize they deserve a new challenge. These coworkers typically congratulate the candidate and wish them well. Three, coworkers ask the candidate how they found their new job and then complain about how keen they are to leave themselves. Occasionally, some will even ask if the candidate can bring them along.


    An amusing resignation story. One that someone shared a while ago and I like to think that it’s true. A person went in to tell the boss he was resigning. The boss thanked him and announced to his subordinate that he had just resigned himself.

  • How to Negotiate So That You Don’t Regret What You Accept

    This information is primarily for candidates who are about to negotiate a compensation package with a new employer. However, someone who is interested in earning more with a current employer may find it helpful too.

    1. What you’re currently earning always influences what an offer will look like. So, if you’re presently underpaid, it’s unlikely that you will see a dramatic increase that will put you in a different stratosphere. It happens about .005 % of the time. Note: this doesn’t need to be true if you live in a place where asking compensation history is illegal.
    2. There are always two numbers: the number you want and the number you’ll take. Always ask for the number you want. Hopefully, what will be offered will be higher than the number you’ll take, even if it isn’t the number you want.
    3. When you’re paid properly, you will spend more time working at the firm for a longer period. That benefits the firm. You won’t be distracted looking to leave because you’re dissatisfied with your compensation. So don’t accept a disappointing package.
    4. If you need to tell a hiring manager and/or a recruiter that accepting less than X will mean you won’t be satisfied, do it.
    5. Do not put your energy into explaining your compensation requirements. Be matter of fact.
    6. Practice discussing this matter with an imaginary person. It’s valuable to be able to say, in a relaxed manner, “I want a package of X with a base of Y. I have deferred comp of Z.” Then be quiet. And pay attention to your body language. No arms crossed in front of your chest or above your head. No foot tapping or leg shaking.
    7. When you talk money, don’t talk too much. Otherwise, it seems like you’re nervous. This is a game of sorts. Like poker. Be concise. Be relaxed.
    8. Expect to negotiate. It’s part of the process. Don’t cave in. You will feel better if you get what you want. Or if you make every effort to get what you want.
    9. No one wins in the long term if you accept less than what you want.
    10. It’s ok to walk away. Sometimes, they come back and you really get what you want. And if you don’t get what you want, why go?
    11. If it helps to imagine you’re negotiating on behalf of someone else, do that. If you have a family, remember you’re probably looking for more money to support them.
    12. You can always practice the conversation lots in advance.
    13. Avoid taking the first offer unless it’s exactly the number you requested. Or more than you requested.
    14. If someone really wants you, they have the money. And if you are firm, then that makes you more desirable to a potential employer because who wants to hire someone who doesn’t hold their ground.
    15. Be polite.
    16. Don’t rush to accept an offer. Say things like, “Let me get back to you tomorrow.” Or, “I need to discuss this with my spouse.”
    17. Ignore all studies that talk about compensation, especially the ones with lots of data. Most are full of lies or out of date and have little to no value.
    18. If you’re contacted by recruiters about roles, ask them to email the spec and include in the email the expected compensation range and ceiling. This should be kept in a file. Of course what’s ultimately paid may not resemble what the recruiter indicates is expected, but, still, it’s worthwhile to collect the information.
    19. If you work for a firm and want to see your compensation increase there are several things you need to do. Some include the following: a) make certain that what is asked of you is done properly, b) go above and beyond to demonstrate that your contribution to the firm is valuable, c) in a review with your boss, whether it’s annual or biannual, make sure that you’re clear on what you need to do better, d) ask for an increase in compensation long before numbers are determined, e) be prepared to explain why you think you earned that increase (if you need to give a list of projects, situations, matters that you were responsible for, that’s fine), f) avoid ultimatums, g) avoid being dramatic/emotional when discussing compensation.
  • Tips for Employees

    This was originally written for recent college graduates but the information might well be helpful to anyone beginning a new job. Bear in mind some tips are based on mistakes people have made.

    1. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so.
    2. When asked a question, if you don’t have an answer to share immediately, say that you would like to take some time and follow up. Then, follow up.
    3. Reply to emails. Even if it’s just to say received. If you can add that you expect to follow up in full by a certain time/day, communicate that. And do it.
    4. Never, ever use your work computer for anything that isn’t for work. Never. If that means you have to carry two computers everywhere you go, carry two. I know about a guy who is probably going to be fired because he used his work computer to look at some porn on the weekends. But it was on his work computer.
    5. Separate work and personal emails. All of them. And if you don’t believe me, ask Clinton. All personal emails go to your personal email address. Always.
    6. Best never to have more than one alcoholic beverage in a 24-hour period at work. That means, one beer or one glass of wine. If everyone else gets bombed, that’s fine. If you aren’t at work, drink whatever you like in whatever quantities, provided you aren’t with coworkers. But not at a work event/outing or with coworkers.
    7. No illegal drugs with any coworker ever. I don’t care if the lead partner is snorting cocaine and offers it to you.
    8. Your coworkers are your coworkers. They’re not your friends. They may become your friends because of the number of hours you spend with them. But they’re your coworkers. Whenever possible, try to maintain a bit of a distance. That’s tricky but do what you can as much as possible to maintain this. The world is very, very small. To avoid getting caught up in the nonsense of human interaction, try to maintain a friendly working relationship but not an intimate friendship. At some point you may realize that someone really could be a good friend (and I’m not talking about a romantic relationship). That’s okay but wait until the person has really proven he/she is really good friend material.
    9. Your employer wants you to succeed. OK, some crazy bosses don’t, but most do. Listen to them when given instructions.
    10. Never say an unkind word about a coworker. There is absolutely no upside to it.
    11. Be careful who you sleep with. I know of someone who slept with a colleague, billed the hotel room to the company and was fired. Maybe the only reason this person was fired was because the room was billed to the company. But still. Best not to test this out.
    12. When your boss talks to you, ask permission to take notes and, if given permission, take notes. After your boss talks to you, email the boss to confirm you’ve understood what’s required/discussed/the objectives. This isn’t when you’re discussing what you ate for lunch, it’s for when you’re getting instructions for a work assignment.
    13. If you do a good job, you will be promoted and paid more. The best way to do that is focus on the work and avoid gossip and complaining. Some people aren’t going to be happy with their work. That’s just the way it is. Most people are not happy with about 20%.
    14. If someone is helpful, write a handwritten thank you note. Not to sound like your grandmother, but it remains a good tool.
    15. If a client sends you an email with an attachment that is X-rated and you open it unknowingly, tell your boss what occurred. This happened. Someone (a woman) at work saw a male colleague open an attachment. She told someone and then the guy, who didn’t know it was going to be an X-rated attachment, got in big trouble. It nearly cost him his job.
    16. Usually the hardest part of the job is dealing with people, not the work. People have lots going on in their lives and that influences their behavior at work.
    17. If someone says something unpleasant/offensive/off putting, a good response is, “Thank you for sharing that with me.”
    18. Never correct your boss in front of others. Never interrupt your boss in front of others.
    19. You have two ears and one mouth. Use them in that ratio.
    20. For recent college grads: Avoid saying you’re not going back to school. Instead say, “For now, I don’t have plans to return to school.” Because in three or five or ten years, you might think, hmm, it would be helpful to go back to school.
    21. Avoid discussing politics at work.
    22. Many people are nervous when they are in a new situation, especially in the work place. Some drink a lot. Some get high. I worked with a candidate, a lawyer, who couldn’t pass a drug test because he got high several times a day. Really, the work place isn’t much different from middle school/high school. With that in mind, try to recognize that most of the time, people are doing the best they can. Many of them are struggling with lots of challenges.
    23. If you need to take a day(s) off because you’re sick, do it. Because you don’t want to make others sick and you should be able to be reasonably productive working from home.
    24. An ideal employee is what I call a low maintenance person. This means they are keen to work and don’t put the bulk of their energy into complaining or demanding anything. Flexibility can be helpful (i.e. the office doesn’t have a window but the person, who would like a window, still gets their work done).
    25. Make sure that if you use Facebook that your privacy settings are in place. Do not use Facebook to say anything negative about work.
    26. When writing emails for work, avoid slang and swear words. Remember, if you press send, it becomes permanent and can be, eventually on the front page of the NY Post or some other publication. In other words, think before you send.
    27. Avoid perfume, cologne, scented shampoo/conditioner. Take a shower. Use deodorant. Don’t clip your nails or brush your hair in the office.
    28. Perhaps the most important qualities an employee can have include respect, manners, humility and empathy.
    29. Don’t bring a weapon to work.
    30. If you’re not given specific goals by your hiring manager, offer, in writing, what you think are reasonable examples of goals for the week ahead. Start to put those in writing at the beginning of each week with a look back and a look ahead. Take five minutes each week and write them down. Then, if asked, you have something concrete to consult.
    31. If you have extra time, ask for extra work. If you’re not given extra work, do some projects that you think might have value and present them to the boss. Use your time. If you’re over worked and about to miss a deadline, communicate sooner vs. later.
    32. If you have situations outside of work (illness, death in the family, mechanical problems at home, etc.), notify your boss and make sure that you follow up as much as possible to demonstrate your continued commitment even when you have an obligation outside of work.
    33. Initiate regular communication with your boss so that a dialogue remains open. Include information that is relevant and reflects your interest in growing and what you have accomplished and/or are working on so that your boss recognizes your efforts.
  • Hiring the Wrong Person

    No one hits a home run every time. Similarly, no one always makes a good hire. The process of selecting a person is challenging because, no matter how good a resume looks, nor how well someone interviews, not to mention what references say, there’s a component of the unknown. Plus luck. That makes it nearly impossible to anticipate if everything will line up beautifully, allowing the new hire to flourish.

    Even though Susan was hired by Miguel, a seasoned manager, it wasn’t clear in the interview that she was going to be impossible to get along with. Unfortunately, that was the case. Smart and knowledgeable, her downfall was monopolizing conversations, bragging at every opportunity to senior management about the enormity of her contribution to the firm and, perhaps worst of all, interrupting her boss in meetings. Susan drove colleagues crazy. Indeed, they avoided asking her questions. Once, when conducting a job interview for a subordinate, Susan spoke for about 90% of the time. It wasn’t good.

    At one point, Susan announced that she had received a job offer and was resigning. Talk about an ideal opportunity for Miguel to say goodbye! Unfortunately, while loath to keep her, timing was bad. He felt pressure. There were other gaps in the department; Miguel couldn’t find a replacement swiftly enough. A counter offer was made. She accepted. Things got worse. Susan was unbearable. And more expensive.

    Time passed. Again Susan announced she had a job offer. This time, no counter was offered. No matter how challenging it might be to find someone who could do her work, keeping her wasn’t an option. That was a nearly perfect opportunity to see Susan clean her desk. Fortunately, Miguel was wise enough to learn from his mistake and accept her resignation, the second time.

    Miguel was in a challenging situation. Susan was enormously frustrating for him, and the rest of the team. Periodically, he would encourage her to be aware of others, to no avail. If he could’ve, Miguel would have accepted her first resignation. Unfortunately, he felt Susan’s absence would have made him too vulnerable. Fortunately, she found a second opportunity at a time when Miguel’s team was strong enough to march on without her.

    Glitzy academic credentials can be the downfall for many hiring managers. Recently promoted to a senior position, Jack interviewed many for a deputy role. After speaking with at least a few candidates twice, Jack selected one with impeccable academic credentials. And, the candidate reminded him of a previous hire, someone who seemed introverted and, under his guidance, evolved into a home run. Jack expected a similar performance. No such luck.

    Sam wasn’t planning on blossoming. His academic credentials didn’t make a difference. He lacked an appetite for work. As a manager, he struck out.

    Jack, working harder than ever in his own new, more senior capacity, couldn’t tolerate Sam’s approach. At one point, Sam announced to him that he wouldn’t work harder. That concept was foreign to Jack. A consultant told him to speak with Sam, ask him to evaluate his contribution, explain to him that he’s incompatible and establish a schedule for his departure. Once determined, Jack was instructed by the consultant to update his team on Sam’s pending exit and move on. Expend no more time, nor energy. Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, said the consultant. And with everyone at the firm watching, doing so sooner vs. later, allowed Jack to demonstrate that he accepted his mistake and was moving forward.

    Paying attention to impressions when a manager wants to only pay attention to a candidate’s price tag, is a common error. Hank conducted interviews with six candidates. Afterwards, he determined all could fill the role but two were most attractive. One, Nicole, was especially appealing because of her low compensation package. Yet Hank sensed in the interview that Nicole wasn’t happy and he was concerned how that could impact the team. Still, her price tag was an aphrodisiac. The other finalist, Brian, wasn’t significantly more expensive and his personality was pleasant. Hank did some off-the-record reference checking. This confirmed his concerns about Nicole. Best of all, Brian’s a home run.

    Managers who take the time to do informal background checks are seldom regretful. Those who neglect to, often make mistakes. Anyone in the industry who knows Grace, is familiar with her reputation. She’s miserable. Even the most pleasant people will tell you that. After two weeks at her current role, a colleague, Tim, called Grace’s former co-worker, Stanley. “All of us can’t stand her, and it’s been two weeks,” said Tim. “Everyone knows what she’s like,” said Stanley. Tim knew to call Stanley after the fact, but why didn’t he call before making an offer? Unlike Hank, Tim hadn’t made the off the record reference checks before hiring. He struck out.

    Accepting a resume at face value is common. Managers, or background checks, have been known to stumble upon inaccuracies. James received a resume through the Internet. He shared it with a consultant. James had some interest. And some concerns. The consultant suggested that before interviewing, James have the candidate, Mike, write up the reasons for his various job changes. The writing was solid. An interview was held. Throughout the meeting, James sensed something odd. Later, he investigated to see if Mike was in good standing with the bar. For this, James was rewarded. He stumbled upon profiles of Mike that included more jobs than the resume shared. James spoke with the consultant about the inconsistencies. Mike, who was otherwise capable of performing the job, was no longer under consideration. If someone omits anything from a resume, don’t expect him/her to be honest.

    Be alert.

    1. Don’t be fooled. Beware of tripping over snazzy diplomas.
    2. Don’t fall head over heels over low compensation packages.
    3. Don’t assume a resume is accurate. Complete off record reference checks. Or, have someone do them.
    4. Have various interactions with the candidate: in writing, on the phone and in person. This gives you a better sense of someone.
    5. Ask questions that require a candidate to reveal how they think. Ask for examples, so candidates explain what they do/don’t know.
    6. Try to get an idea of what the candidate does outside of the office. If a candidate doesn’t answer a question, revisit the question. If they still don’t answer it, ask them why they can’t be precise.
    7. Focus on what someone has the capacity to learn, not just what they know.
    8. Pay attention to who someone is as a person, as that’s more important than anything.

    With luck, you may hit a home run.

  • The Impact of the Law Banning Salary History Discussion

    On October 31, 2017, NYC banned employers from asking candidates their compensation history. Their goal was to address a discriminatory practice.

    Recently, I spoke with an industry source who had heard that employers were telling candidates, “Here’s your offer, take it or leave.” He shared that his understanding was the discussion around compensation had been truncated.

    When I shared with this source a few anecdotes I had heard, he was surprised.

    I’m now aware of four offers made that wouldn’t ever have been presented before the law. Two were for offers that included a 50% increase in base salary while two others were 50% higher in total compensation.

    My guess is that neither the hiring managers, nor the recruiter, nor Human Resources had a sense of what the candidates were earning. Otherwise, I think it’s unlikely they would have made offers with such radical increases. What you may find especially unexpected is that not all of these offers were accepted. And three were made to male candidates. This is noteworthy as the law was specifically geared to assisting women and minorities.

    In one case, where the offer was declined, the candidate accepted a counter that didn’t match the significant offer. Compensation, he explained to his boss, was the only reason he was interviewing. And when the candidate said that to his boss, she didn’t know his base salary and was surprised to learn it was so low. Yes, the boss didn’t know her subordinate’s base salary.

    What are hiring managers to do? Certainly they don’t want to break the law and ask what a candidate is earning. Nor do they want to offer a 50% increase in salary or total compensation. One approach some will surely take is to do due diligence. Find out what is known historically about how people are paid. For example, at certain firms, titles determine what compensation range someone might be eligible for.

    But far more important, evaluate the compensation of your existing team and determine what you’re comfortable paying for the role. This approach can mean that you may not consider some talented candidates. Yet, it could help to keep the compensation packages of the entire team in the same range.

    Sometimes, when interviewing, hiring managers quickly learn that their existing team is paid below market. This may prompt them to adjust the compensation of current employees. Others prefer to just keep searching for a candidate who, similarly, is paid below market.

    Compensation is not the only reason anyone should move. But it’s almost always one of the reasons. Hiring managers who offer reasonable compensation packages and make an effort to meet the requests of a candidate, while still be respectful of what existing team members earn, will likely be successful when it comes to recruiting.

    Above all, if a candidate feels good about their compensation, the firm that hires them will likely benefit. First, the new hire is more inclined to stay longer. Second, they’re less likely to waste lots of time trying to determine if they’re reasonably paid. Third, if they feel good about their compensation, they’ll probably want to make a better contribution and do a better job. That’s certainly good for the hiring manager.

  • How Candidates Should Navigate the Law Banning a Discussion of Compensation History

    Just as hiring firms are adjusting to how to navigate discussing compensation with candidates when, by law, they need to avoid asking compensation history, candidates are fumbling with what to, and not to, say.

    Many candidates find themselves telling recruiters, HR and hiring managers what they’re presently earning. Or what they’ve been earning. This isn’t the best approach for a candidate. Not at all.

    Instead, candidates should determine what is the compensation they want vs. the compensation they’d take. And those should be two different numbers. For example, if someone’s presently earning $200,000 total and they’d like $275,000, that can be the number they want, while $230,000 might be the number they’d take.

    Once a candidate has established those numbers, they should practice saying, “I’m looking for a total package of $275,000 with a base of $200,000.” And practice is best done in multiple settings. While driving the car, hitting a tennis ball, taking a walk, shaving, emptying the dishwasher, etc. There should be enough practice so that the candidate is relaxed and prepared. Otherwise, they may find themselves with their arms across their chest, looking down at their shoes and whispering. Not a good approach. So practice. Practice so much that responding to the question is not something you dread.

    Typically, what’s offered isn’t what’s requested. But how one states their sought compensation can impact what’s offered.